


Insane Traitors








United States Constitution
Article III
Section 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.
"...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour.
"...the term "traitor" is used in heated political discussion – typically as a slur against political dissidents, or against officials in power who are perceived as failing to act in the best interest of their constituents."
I've made some pretty harsh statements concerning those pictured above. I could even be sued for libel by each and everyone of them except for Bill. The evidence for his title is beyond question, and on display five days a week.
So I need to be thorough in making my case.
For the purposes of this post I've defined the act of treason as overt and covert acts of violence against "We the people of the United States," as noted in the Constitution's preamble, and through actions and inactions, attempts to subvert justice, domestic tranquility, the general welfare of all who reside within the countries boarders, and those who would stifle liberty for ourselves and our children.
It is my contention that the United States of America has virtually been overthrown by huge, domestic and multi-national corporations. These entities have corrupted the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government with legal forms of bribery in the form of campaign contributions and lobbying.
According to Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index for 2010, the U.S. is tied with Belgium as the 22nd least corrupt country out of 178 measured, right between Chile and Uruguay (Somalia was considered the most corrupt nation, and Denmark the least).
22nd? That's not too bad, you say. I say it's horrible, and that the level, prevalence, and domination of government by Wall Street, major industry, and the people who control these entities is tantamount to a coup de tat by these businesses, whose only use for Congress is to protect their on going interests, to ensure they are allowed to continue maximizing profits, and rape the middle class of it's economic and social security to the fullest extent possible.
And that in my mind is a recipe for treason, carried out by traitors who do not have the best interests of the people in mind, indeed, just the opposite. To these... individuals, the people are there only to steal from. There are no other considerations.
Any political action, any new law, any attempt to disenfranchise the American people and their way of life, their health, their education, their employment security, and their general wellbeing on a national scale, in my mind is a form of treason. These acts may be motivated by pure ideology or stupidity, as in the Tea Bagger Movement, or to protect the super rich and their interests, in other words for money and power, with the help of Congress and quite often the Presidency.
Having said that I suppose I do have to make a distinction here between deliberate acts of sabotage or theft toward the general welfare of the people of this country, and acts initiated by simple incompetence, insanity, and/or ignorance (distinct from stupidity as ignorant people just don't know any better).
For example, George W. Bush knowingly weakened the economy by his implementation of huge tax cuts for the rich in 2001 and 2003, he knowingly began two unnecessary wars resulting in the deaths of thousands of American members of the armed forces and hundreds of thousands of innocent foreign nationals, and deliberately weakened regulations for Wall Street resulting in the financial crisis of 2007/2008. He is clearly a traitor of the highest order. His allegiance was never to the people of the United States. His allegiance was always to corporations and the rich who themselves have demonstrated little or no allegiance to the people of this nation (home foreclosures after bank bail outs being but one prime example. Overseas tax shelters and the outsourcing of jobs from the U.S. being others). Corporations and the ultra rich have only one allegiance... to money... and the power that the accumulation of money can provide (i.e. the ability to manipulate and control large sectors of the federal (and state, county, etc.) government).
Once out of office Bush lamented that his greatest failure as president was not getting us into two needless wars (or if you believe the invasion of Afghanistan was a warranted response to the attacks of 9/11, then at least the invasion of Iraq, which stands as one of the greatest foreign policy blunders this country has ever committed), but his failure to privatize social security, which the American people flatly rejected, and rightly so. The privatization of social security would have been the biggest windfall for Wall Street in it's history handing them essentially hundreds of billions of dollars they could have accumulated and spent overseas, rather than maintain the proven and secure social safety net that social security has provided since it's inception.
So, compare George W Bush to Senate hopeful Sharron Angle, or sitting Senators Jeff Beauregard Sessions III and Orrin Hatch. Obviously these individuals are just too ignorant to be held accountable for their own actions, and hopefully the electoral process will eventually correct the issue of the two Senators currently in office, as it preemptively did for Ms Angle.
24 million Americans are out of work and nearly $9 trillion in household wealth has vanished since the 2007/2008 economic crisis. It is an historical fact that once in power Republicans run up huge budget deficits, for which they declare as matters of national emergency once Democrats gain office. It appears that the Democrats have the unenviable task of perpetually cleaning up the Republican mess while those same Republicans blame the Democrats for the mess to begin with. This... tactic keeps the United States from progressing in any real manner, either economically, scientifically, socially, or whatever. The world is changing rapidly with real problems (i.e., climate change, water scarcity, over fishing, etc.) that need real solutions, and the traitors in power would have the country regress into a 13th century theocracy in order to continue their rape and pillaging of the nation's working class.
I singled out those traitors above because they tend to be the most obvious. The list of traitors in this country is huge, from the war profiteers, to the hedge fund managers, to the banking executives, to the defense industry that doesn't know when to stop. We are surrounded by treachery, and we must see them for what they are.
Let me quickly point out the traitorous actions of those above least I get sued:
The Koch brothers, Charles and David, each own about 42% of the second largest privately held business conglomerate in the United States with an annual revenue of approximately 98 billion dollars. Both brothers are listed by Forbes as the 5th wealthiest Americans, 18th richest on the planet, each worth about $21.5 billion dollars. Koch companies are involved in core industries such as the manufacturing, refining and distribution of petroleum, chemicals, energy, fiber, intermediates and polymers, minerals, fertilizers, pulp and paper, chemical technology equipment, ranching, finance, commodities trading, as well as other ventures and investments.
Some of their consumer products include Quilted Northern, Angel Soft, Brawny, Sparkle, Soft 'n Gentle, Mardi Gras, Vanity Fair, and Dixie.
"The Koch brothers — America’s wealthiest industrialists — had a direct hand in the resurgence of the right during November’s midterm elections. Americans for Prosperity (AFP), the conservative nonprofit that David founded, spent $45 million bankrolling right-wing candidates, many of them Tea Partiers. AFP outspent the Democratic Governors Association by more than three to one. That same election cycle, Koch Industries subsidiary Flint Hills Resources contributed $1 million to California’s failed Proposition 23, that ballot that would have killed legislation cutting back greenhouse gas emissions." -Clare O'Conner, Forbes
Why would Charles and Dave want to stop polices reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Why would they spend millions attempting to discredit climate change in general. It may have something to do with Koch Industries being one of the primary sources of carbon pollution in the United States, that's why.
So, the brothers Koch would trade away the health of yours and my children (if I had any), their own children (if they have any), the health and future of the entire planet, for more money. More money than they already have. They are traitors to the people of this nation, and to the world.
The brothers front group "Americans for Prosperity," is currently dumping money in Wisconsin, attempting to influence the state senate recall elections there, in exchange for millions of dollars worth of no-bid Wisconsin government contracts for Koch Industries. Democrats only have to win two more seats, two out of eight seats. Charles, David, and Gov. Scott Walker are going to lose.
The brothers are by no means the only billionaire backers of the Republican Anti-American Party. There is B. Wayne Hughes (Public Storage) for instance, and Harold Simmons (leveraged buyout banker), and Jerry Perenchio (Univision), and Robert Rowling (Omni Hotels & Gold's Gym), and, John Childs (private equity), and Cliff Asness (hedge fund), and Steve Schwarzman (Blackstone Group), and Ken Griffin (hedge fund), and Phil Anschutz (diversified businesses), and Rich Devos (Amway), and Steve Bechtel (Bechtel Corp., the third largest privately held company in the U.S.), and Kenneth Langone (Home Depot), not to mention Richard Mellon Scaife (Newspapers)... among others.
And the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox and Friends, and O'Reilly always mention and pick on poor George Soros, one of the few well off progressive donors. Poor George.
Rupert Murdoch, and his evil minion Roger Aliles, of course are responsible for Fox News (propaganda) which is the public relations firm for the Republican party. This is an organization devoted to spreading misinformation to its large susceptible audience. Fox News is credited with being the only television network whose viewers actually get stupider after watching. They are also responsible, in a large part, for the Tea Bagger movement, which is now actively terrorizing the country.
The Tea Baggers are domestic terrorists ( http://www.readersupportednews.org/off-site-opinion-section/72-72/6802-the-tea-partys-terrorist-tactics
) and traitors to the majority of people in this country, wishing to instill their values onto everyone else (like religious fundamentalists, and pro-lifers). They are also subverting the Constitution of the United States, even though they believe they are defending it.
They are also insane.
Senator McConnel (Turtle Boy), House Speaker Boehner (The Brown One), Majority Leader Cantor (The Adams Appler), Rep. Michele Bachman (Congressperson of the Tea Baggers... enough said. Also insane). All minions to all of the billionaires listed above, to Wall Street, to the oil and gas industry, to the defense industry, etc., but certainly not looking out for the interests and welfare of America's average citizens, to it's veterans, to it's seniors, to the poor, to the teachers, to the nurses, to the country's middle class. They by far are the biggest, most egregious traitors of all.
Then we have Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and Stupid, the mouthpieces of the right wing traitors. I truly believe that if they by accident were to ever actually say something that may be true, their nervous systems would go into shock and they would fall into comas.
Fat chance of that happening though.
Article III
Section 3.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.
"...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aided or involved by such an endeavour.
"...the term "traitor" is used in heated political discussion – typically as a slur against political dissidents, or against officials in power who are perceived as failing to act in the best interest of their constituents."
I've made some pretty harsh statements concerning those pictured above. I could even be sued for libel by each and everyone of them except for Bill. The evidence for his title is beyond question, and on display five days a week.
So I need to be thorough in making my case.
For the purposes of this post I've defined the act of treason as overt and covert acts of violence against "We the people of the United States," as noted in the Constitution's preamble, and through actions and inactions, attempts to subvert justice, domestic tranquility, the general welfare of all who reside within the countries boarders, and those who would stifle liberty for ourselves and our children.
It is my contention that the United States of America has virtually been overthrown by huge, domestic and multi-national corporations. These entities have corrupted the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government with legal forms of bribery in the form of campaign contributions and lobbying.
According to Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index for 2010, the U.S. is tied with Belgium as the 22nd least corrupt country out of 178 measured, right between Chile and Uruguay (Somalia was considered the most corrupt nation, and Denmark the least).
22nd? That's not too bad, you say. I say it's horrible, and that the level, prevalence, and domination of government by Wall Street, major industry, and the people who control these entities is tantamount to a coup de tat by these businesses, whose only use for Congress is to protect their on going interests, to ensure they are allowed to continue maximizing profits, and rape the middle class of it's economic and social security to the fullest extent possible.
And that in my mind is a recipe for treason, carried out by traitors who do not have the best interests of the people in mind, indeed, just the opposite. To these... individuals, the people are there only to steal from. There are no other considerations.
Any political action, any new law, any attempt to disenfranchise the American people and their way of life, their health, their education, their employment security, and their general wellbeing on a national scale, in my mind is a form of treason. These acts may be motivated by pure ideology or stupidity, as in the Tea Bagger Movement, or to protect the super rich and their interests, in other words for money and power, with the help of Congress and quite often the Presidency.
Having said that I suppose I do have to make a distinction here between deliberate acts of sabotage or theft toward the general welfare of the people of this country, and acts initiated by simple incompetence, insanity, and/or ignorance (distinct from stupidity as ignorant people just don't know any better).
For example, George W. Bush knowingly weakened the economy by his implementation of huge tax cuts for the rich in 2001 and 2003, he knowingly began two unnecessary wars resulting in the deaths of thousands of American members of the armed forces and hundreds of thousands of innocent foreign nationals, and deliberately weakened regulations for Wall Street resulting in the financial crisis of 2007/2008. He is clearly a traitor of the highest order. His allegiance was never to the people of the United States. His allegiance was always to corporations and the rich who themselves have demonstrated little or no allegiance to the people of this nation (home foreclosures after bank bail outs being but one prime example. Overseas tax shelters and the outsourcing of jobs from the U.S. being others). Corporations and the ultra rich have only one allegiance... to money... and the power that the accumulation of money can provide (i.e. the ability to manipulate and control large sectors of the federal (and state, county, etc.) government).
Once out of office Bush lamented that his greatest failure as president was not getting us into two needless wars (or if you believe the invasion of Afghanistan was a warranted response to the attacks of 9/11, then at least the invasion of Iraq, which stands as one of the greatest foreign policy blunders this country has ever committed), but his failure to privatize social security, which the American people flatly rejected, and rightly so. The privatization of social security would have been the biggest windfall for Wall Street in it's history handing them essentially hundreds of billions of dollars they could have accumulated and spent overseas, rather than maintain the proven and secure social safety net that social security has provided since it's inception.
So, compare George W Bush to Senate hopeful Sharron Angle, or sitting Senators Jeff Beauregard Sessions III and Orrin Hatch. Obviously these individuals are just too ignorant to be held accountable for their own actions, and hopefully the electoral process will eventually correct the issue of the two Senators currently in office, as it preemptively did for Ms Angle.
24 million Americans are out of work and nearly $9 trillion in household wealth has vanished since the 2007/2008 economic crisis. It is an historical fact that once in power Republicans run up huge budget deficits, for which they declare as matters of national emergency once Democrats gain office. It appears that the Democrats have the unenviable task of perpetually cleaning up the Republican mess while those same Republicans blame the Democrats for the mess to begin with. This... tactic keeps the United States from progressing in any real manner, either economically, scientifically, socially, or whatever. The world is changing rapidly with real problems (i.e., climate change, water scarcity, over fishing, etc.) that need real solutions, and the traitors in power would have the country regress into a 13th century theocracy in order to continue their rape and pillaging of the nation's working class.
I singled out those traitors above because they tend to be the most obvious. The list of traitors in this country is huge, from the war profiteers, to the hedge fund managers, to the banking executives, to the defense industry that doesn't know when to stop. We are surrounded by treachery, and we must see them for what they are.
Let me quickly point out the traitorous actions of those above least I get sued:
The Koch brothers, Charles and David, each own about 42% of the second largest privately held business conglomerate in the United States with an annual revenue of approximately 98 billion dollars. Both brothers are listed by Forbes as the 5th wealthiest Americans, 18th richest on the planet, each worth about $21.5 billion dollars. Koch companies are involved in core industries such as the manufacturing, refining and distribution of petroleum, chemicals, energy, fiber, intermediates and polymers, minerals, fertilizers, pulp and paper, chemical technology equipment, ranching, finance, commodities trading, as well as other ventures and investments.
Some of their consumer products include Quilted Northern, Angel Soft, Brawny, Sparkle, Soft 'n Gentle, Mardi Gras, Vanity Fair, and Dixie.
"The Koch brothers — America’s wealthiest industrialists — had a direct hand in the resurgence of the right during November’s midterm elections. Americans for Prosperity (AFP), the conservative nonprofit that David founded, spent $45 million bankrolling right-wing candidates, many of them Tea Partiers. AFP outspent the Democratic Governors Association by more than three to one. That same election cycle, Koch Industries subsidiary Flint Hills Resources contributed $1 million to California’s failed Proposition 23, that ballot that would have killed legislation cutting back greenhouse gas emissions." -Clare O'Conner, Forbes
Why would Charles and Dave want to stop polices reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Why would they spend millions attempting to discredit climate change in general. It may have something to do with Koch Industries being one of the primary sources of carbon pollution in the United States, that's why.
So, the brothers Koch would trade away the health of yours and my children (if I had any), their own children (if they have any), the health and future of the entire planet, for more money. More money than they already have. They are traitors to the people of this nation, and to the world.
The brothers front group "Americans for Prosperity," is currently dumping money in Wisconsin, attempting to influence the state senate recall elections there, in exchange for millions of dollars worth of no-bid Wisconsin government contracts for Koch Industries. Democrats only have to win two more seats, two out of eight seats. Charles, David, and Gov. Scott Walker are going to lose.
The brothers are by no means the only billionaire backers of the Republican Anti-American Party. There is B. Wayne Hughes (Public Storage) for instance, and Harold Simmons (leveraged buyout banker), and Jerry Perenchio (Univision), and Robert Rowling (Omni Hotels & Gold's Gym), and, John Childs (private equity), and Cliff Asness (hedge fund), and Steve Schwarzman (Blackstone Group), and Ken Griffin (hedge fund), and Phil Anschutz (diversified businesses), and Rich Devos (Amway), and Steve Bechtel (Bechtel Corp., the third largest privately held company in the U.S.), and Kenneth Langone (Home Depot), not to mention Richard Mellon Scaife (Newspapers)... among others.
And the likes of Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox and Friends, and O'Reilly always mention and pick on poor George Soros, one of the few well off progressive donors. Poor George.
Rupert Murdoch, and his evil minion Roger Aliles, of course are responsible for Fox News (propaganda) which is the public relations firm for the Republican party. This is an organization devoted to spreading misinformation to its large susceptible audience. Fox News is credited with being the only television network whose viewers actually get stupider after watching. They are also responsible, in a large part, for the Tea Bagger movement, which is now actively terrorizing the country.
The Tea Baggers are domestic terrorists ( http://www.readersupportednews.org/off-site-opinion-section/72-72/6802-the-tea-partys-terrorist-tactics
) and traitors to the majority of people in this country, wishing to instill their values onto everyone else (like religious fundamentalists, and pro-lifers). They are also subverting the Constitution of the United States, even though they believe they are defending it.
They are also insane.
Senator McConnel (Turtle Boy), House Speaker Boehner (The Brown One), Majority Leader Cantor (The Adams Appler), Rep. Michele Bachman (Congressperson of the Tea Baggers... enough said. Also insane). All minions to all of the billionaires listed above, to Wall Street, to the oil and gas industry, to the defense industry, etc., but certainly not looking out for the interests and welfare of America's average citizens, to it's veterans, to it's seniors, to the poor, to the teachers, to the nurses, to the country's middle class. They by far are the biggest, most egregious traitors of all.
Then we have Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, and Stupid, the mouthpieces of the right wing traitors. I truly believe that if they by accident were to ever actually say something that may be true, their nervous systems would go into shock and they would fall into comas.
Fat chance of that happening though.
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