This is going to be one of the easiest posts I've ever written. I don't even have to write it really, all I have to do is quote.
Michelle Marie Bachman, 53 (no relation to Randy Bachman, of Bachman Turner Overdrive), is a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Minnesota's 6th Congressional District since 2007. She is certifiably insane.
I have often considered the similarity of traits shared by psychopaths and Republicans. Let's investigate, shall we.
First, a definition of the term psychopathy. My Sage program tells me: "Any disease of the mind, the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention."
Wikipedia puts it like this: "Psychopathy is a psychological construct that describes chronic immoral and antisocial behavior.The term is often used interchangeably with sociopathy. The psychopath is defined by a psychological gratification in criminal, sexual, or aggressive impulses and the inability to learn from past mistakes. Individuals with this disorder gain satisfaction through their antisocial behavior and lack remorse for their actions."
The following is a list of traits considered to be indicators of psychopathy by the "Psychopathy Check List-Revised." Let's compare the traits shared by psychopaths and Republicans.
Common characteristics of those with psychopathy are:
Michelle Marie Bachman, 53 (no relation to Randy Bachman, of Bachman Turner Overdrive), is a member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Minnesota's 6th Congressional District since 2007. She is certifiably insane.
I have often considered the similarity of traits shared by psychopaths and Republicans. Let's investigate, shall we.
First, a definition of the term psychopathy. My Sage program tells me: "Any disease of the mind, the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention."
Wikipedia puts it like this: "Psychopathy is a psychological construct that describes chronic immoral and antisocial behavior.The term is often used interchangeably with sociopathy. The psychopath is defined by a psychological gratification in criminal, sexual, or aggressive impulses and the inability to learn from past mistakes. Individuals with this disorder gain satisfaction through their antisocial behavior and lack remorse for their actions."
The following is a list of traits considered to be indicators of psychopathy by the "Psychopathy Check List-Revised." Let's compare the traits shared by psychopaths and Republicans.
Common characteristics of those with psychopathy are:
Grandiose sense of self-worth: Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (all Republicans)
Superficial charm Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (remember Mitt Romney?)
Criminal versatility Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (see Alex Constantine's Black List of 272 Republicans charged with criminal activity)
Reckless disregard for the safety of self or others Psychopath: Yes
Republican: Yes (Denial of Global Warming)
Impulse control problems Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (Rep. John Boehner crying over efforts to pull out of Iraq. Republican Budget proposal)
Irresponsibility Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (everything)
Inability to tolerate boredom Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (John McCain falling asleep during State of the Union)
Pathological narcissism Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (Romney again)
Pathological lying Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (all)
Shallow affect Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (all)
Deceitfulness/manipulativeness Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (all)
Aggressive or violent tendencies, repeated physical fights or assaults on others
Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (Iraq)
Lack of empathy Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (Iraq, rich vs poor)
Lack of remorse, indifferent to or rationalizes having hurt or mistreated others
Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (Iraq, torture)
A sense of extreme entitlement Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (Bush Jr.)
Lack of or diminished levels of anxiety/nervousness and other emotions
Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (Bush Jr.)
Promiscuous sexual behavior, sexually deviant lifestyle
Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (OMG, just enter "Republican sex scandals in Wikipedia. Still, Democrats may be giving them a race for their money)
Poor judgment, failure to learn from experience Psychopath: Yes
Republican: Yes (Budget proposal)
Lack of personal insight Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (Bush Jr.)
Failure to follow any life plan Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (Joe the Plumber)
Abuse of drugs including alcohol Psychopath: Yes Republican: ? (who knows. If I were a Republican I'd certainly start drinking)
Inability to distinguish right from wrong Psychopath: Yes Republican: Yes (all)
Clearly the above proves that the majority of members in the Republican Party are
antisocial lunatics, without the ability to empathize, cannot learn from past mistakes, and
glory in benefiting from the misery of others, and who should be carted off to the Funny Farm for proper treatment and rehabilitation.
Michele Bachman, however, is in a league of her own.
antisocial lunatics, without the ability to empathize, cannot learn from past mistakes, and
glory in benefiting from the misery of others, and who should be carted off to the Funny Farm for proper treatment and rehabilitation.
Michele Bachman, however, is in a league of her own.
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